Why we decided to start this family owned business?


SOURCE PROTECT is a family owned company based in Melbourne Australia.

During 2020 our family began the search so many of us have undertaken... looking to purchase face masks to help keep our family safe. However, we became frustrated and disillusioned with the price-gouging and variable quality of the masks available online.

This is our response. 

Our aim is to provide people just like us with practical, comfortable face masks that will get the job done. They shouldn't become disposable landfill, and they shouldn't break the bank. After an exhaustive search through low covid-19 affected countries, we partnered with an excellent supplier in Vietnam who care about their face masks as much as we do. Together we have delivered a solid, good quality, reusable face mask to help families go about our business as we all (hopefully), transition out of our homes and begin to resume our normal lives. 

On behalf of our business partners and ourselves, Source Protect wishes you and your family health and happiness. We sincerely hope we have been of some small assistance.